Sunday, November 30, 2008
"Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations."
George Bernard Shaw
India, whose ancient culture and mystical traditions, is a land I have always dreamed of seeing. On Wednesday November 5th, 2008 that dream became a reality when I landed at Mumbai International Airport at 9:30pm. As I left the airport my dream of this land of mysticism and spirituality was quickly diminished as I drove from the airport to my hotel in Mumbai. I was immediately overwhelmed by the sight of packs of women digging through garbage, the sounds of rickshaws constant tooting and the smell of garbage that was seemingly not removed for days. I knew, in that moment, my time here would be one filled with many experiences that I either embraced or I would hit the panic button, and I learned quickly one had to exercise patience whether using the bathrooms or crossing the streets was an experience one from the west does not take for granted.
Over the next few weeks I will share with you my time in India. Today, this post is dedicated to the people of Mumbai. A population who already have challenges that are more than that of the average human and now a city under siege. I was fortunate enough to leave India just before this occurred, but what I know and have experienced is that the people of India are fascinating, loving, and spiritual beings which will nurture their community back to some sense of normalcy.
Mechel Thompson