Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Time For Renewal

Cows Anjuna Beach, Goa India November 2008

"In Hinduism, the cow is so symbolic to life, the virtual sustainer of life for humans. In a society if you only had cows and no other domestic animals or agricultural pursuits, you could still survive and the children could survive with the butter, the cream and the milk to feed the children. The cow is a complete ecology, a gentle creature and a symbol of abundance."

2008 was the year of abundance. In the history of America, we have never seen young people turn out to vote as they did in the 2008 Presidential elections on November 4th. Never in the History of America have we seen the financial industry experience such volatility. And never in the history of America are we seeing people on a daily basis lose their homes, their jobs, or close and dissolve their businesses. I know as you read you ask where is the silver lining.

As we did on November 4th, we voted in record numbers because we overwhelmingly wanted change and, “yes we can!” But as the weeks go by I have witnessed that momentum dwindle. Our conversations are filled with desperation and despair and a fatalistic gloom about the future, I too at times have found myself in that repulsive conversation. So today, I made a commitment that, change and renewal starts with me.

On a micro level, as an immigrant I came to America with my family and from nothing we made something. On a macro level, we can look to England, who rebuilt their country and cities after the war. London is a shining example of what can and must be done in the face of adversity.

We look at other countries that are experiencing effects of the global meltdown. India, a land where the gap between the rich and the poor is staggering, benefited enormously in the past ten years from globalization and outsourcing from the first world. They had the opportunity to be greedy and reckless with their newfound wealth. There was potential to have been a part of the meltdown, but have continued to regulate, be humble and lean in their financial decisions and their country. A lesson we all can learn from.

What does this all mean for me as I mulled all the gloom? Like this last year we believed and set out intentionally to create change. This cannot be done by one individual but by a movement. A movement that says we are taking our communities back. Back to creating jobs inspire a new spirit of entrepreneurship and shift the mentality of the haves and the have not's. But that change must be tangible for you and for me, Nelson Mandela believed that South Africa would be a free place; he enrolled and enrolled an entire movement to make this happen. And he did it!

Like we did during the civil rights movement we came together as a community, we believed that Americans should have equal rights. What we are experiencing, no one will be immune from. The effects of this economic crisis, has penetrated every single class structure, as we have seen rich and poor become victims of this economic crisis. So today I am doing my part. Like so many, I too will have no choice but to charter a new course. But we must never give up and if we fail we start over again. So like this past year, the year of abundance. We have the opportunity to charter a new course for the year 2009. So be the change!

Happy New Year from Star Apple Diaries.
Mechel Thompson